How to live Christmas after a death.

How to live Christmas after a death.

Tuesday, Dec 17, 2019 2 comment(s)

Some tips to facilitate your first holiday season.

To you who will spend Christmas differently this year,

Anyone who has lost a loved one will be able to confirm to you that it is not easy to get through December and also the holiday season following a mourning.

How can we celebrate Christmas when we don't have the spirit at the party? Here are some tips from people who have already experienced this situation.

First, try to change the organization of your holiday season. Changing the traditions can alleviate the sense of lack and sadness we experience when we do the same thing every year with the people who have left us.

Don't make yourself spend time with people you don't want to be around. Do not do things simply by convention or to avoid displeasing. Do what makes you happy and nothing more.

Do not be afraid to speak of the person who left you, perhaps thanks to you, the others will be relieved that you mention their name or that you pay homage to them in your own way so as not to forget the person who 'he or she was.

Do not feel guilty about being happy or experiencing happiness during festive moments. To be in mourning does not mean that one should no longer be joyful. Christmas is a time that rhymes with joy, family and sharing. To take the time to appreciate these moments is not to forget, but rather to learn to live differently. It is important to have beautiful moments in order to ease the pain of the difficult days.

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